Wednesday 17 September 2014

How To Study Properly

                                         Follow this post carefully and you will improve 
Finding adequate time for study is often is a problem but not an insurmountable one. If you realize to that your program of study needs improvement, analyse your weekly schedule of ativities. It is not likely that you will find much time that is not already being used, but buy out the opportune time from other pursuits. if you have a television set, why not keep a record of the time that you spend watching it during the week? You might be surprised aat the amount of time used in that way.

while you may find it diffcult at first to settle down and concentrate on studing in time it will become easier and enjoyable. But you need to appreciate its importance, set aside, time to do it regularly and put forth an earnest effort. Study should be done with a view to being able to recall and expain the material clearly. Casual reading, while it has a proper place in our lives, is not study. Study requires research,  thought and application. Do not plan to cover more materal than you can effectively or you will find your syudy shallow and unrewarding. Rather, allow time for research and meditation. However, plan to cover surfficient material so that you will see that you are really accomplishing something.


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